Danika Ostrowski
Danika paints both en-plein-air and creates in-studio work based on photographs, sketches and memories. She currently lives and works in Austin, Texas creating commissioned paintings and developing her own series of work which she exhibits throughout the country. Danika is a dedicated advocate for the preservation of public lands. She uses her platform as an artist to fundraise for the National Parks and spread awareness of conservation efforts. Danika has been featured as top emerging talent by Western Art Collector and Southwest Art.
Art Tour Stop 17: Hangar Art Studios
"Ocotillo Sunset" Acrylic on canvas, 48x60 inches
"Carolina Wrens" colored pencil on paper, 24x24 inches
"Colorado Bend" Oil on canvas, 30x40 inches
Danika Ostrowski workin in her studio on a painting from the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Danika's bird drawing process